What are the aims of the National Social Housing Fire Strategy Group?

  • To represent the social housing sector of England and Wales on matters pertaining to fire safety and compliance within the current legislatory framework.
  • To influence national policy and practice with the express aim of achieving acceptable standards of fire safety within social housing properties on a pragmatic, risk based approach.
  • Support individual social housing providers with the interpretation, implementation and application of legislation, guidance and good practice.

How will we achieve this?

  • We will establish regional working groups across England and Wales.
  • Whilst we will remain independent we will collaborate with other groups where a collective voice is needed such as:
    • National Housing Federation
    • Chartered Institute of Housing
    • Local Authority Building Control
    • National Fire Chiefs Council
    • Health and Safety Executive
    • Fire and Rescue Authorities
    • Other Relevant Parties
  • We will establish standard protocols based on pragmatic best practice and will support the housing sector of England and Wales within the current legal framework.
  • Participate in and contribute to public consultations as required.
  • Raise awareness of practical advice and guidance as required.
  • Establish work streams across the group that focuses on significant issues and produces protocols that are fully supported by our members and seek to establish those protocols nationally across the sector.